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Naděje není přesvědčení, že něco dobře dopadne, ale jistota, že má něco smysl – bez ohledu na to, jak to dopadne. Václav Havel

Fulbright scholarship

06.09.2018 3 298 RNDr. Zdeněk Bergman

Fulbright scholarship

The Fulbright Program is one of the most well-known and prestigious international and intercultural student exchange programs. Founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946, the program exists to improve relations and strengthen bonds between the United States and over 140 countries worldwide.

Although Fulbright awards several types of grants annually, the English Teaching Assistantship places native speakers inside of foreign classrooms in order to aid in English language instruction.

This year, Gymnasium Teplice will host Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship award winner John Gurbisz.

Mr. Gurbisz was born and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey, and has worked as an in-class supplemental instructor and tutor for the last three years at University Academy Charter High School in Jersey City, New Jersey. He achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Rowan University in 2010, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and a Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education from New Jersey City University in 2018. Mr. Gurbisz hopes to use his experience in American classrooms to bring a unique insight into English conversation classes during the 2018-2019 school year. 

Lenka Boehmová

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