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Koronavirová angličtina

18.05.2020 2 226 Mgr. Kateřina Appelová

Koronavirová angličtina

Do hodin angličtiny patří mimo jiné i trénování psaného projevu. Ne všechny formy jsou u žáků populární, obzvláště ty formální, jako je žádost o pracovní pozici nebo stížnost, ty jsou opravdu složité.

Ale jinak to bývá u článku. „Article“ je poměrně populární, snadno se píše a největší výhrou je, když se i snadno čte. 7.D měla v květnu 2020 za úkol zhlédnout na facebooku BBC čtyři krátká videa, vybrat si libovolné téma a napsat krátký článek do imaginárního studentského časopisu. A protože nejlepší je propojit teorii s praxí a články mají mít své čtenáře,  tady jsou alespoň tři velmi povedené ukázky, shodou okolností jsou to témata velmi aktuální. Články jsou neopravené, sami vidíte, že skoro nebylo potřeba.

Mgr. Kateřina Brušáková



In the recent times of the COVID-19 more and more people find it difficult to sleep. How does one solve such an issue? Here’s a few tips how to get back to sleep.

First and foremost, don’t go to bed with your head full of thoughts. While we’re locked at home it may be challenging to clear your mind of emotions we keep to ourselves. Rest assured, if you try and calm your mind beforehand, it may just make sleeping easier.Along with that, avoid caffeine at all cost. I know it’s something that’s hard to get rid of, but this slight change in your daily regime is going to improve your sleep substantially.Finally, put the phone away. I know you watch cat videos before sleep. But the blue light emitting from your device does no good to your brain and worsens your ability to fall asleep.

So, what are you waiting for? If you find it had to take a nap again, remember the few tips I told you and I’m sure you will have sweet dreams.



We all know how difficult is to live during these days. Although government all over the world keep on loosening their measures, self-isolation seems like an eternity. When will we be allowed to socialize, to live our normal lives again? Who knows, but people from a small district in Cardiff came up with a revolutionary idea – they gather in front of their houses every morning and start dancing!

But first of all, let´s think about that. We definitely have to „light up“ the world one more time. But how can dancing, just a few metres outside your house, help to feel better and more relaxed? The answer is simple – people want to experience a little joy.Secondly, focus on the loneliness someone has to live through. The dancing part might seem crazy, but if you consider endless hours people have to live on their own, with no contact, it eventually looks like a great idea, have a little chat outside and entertain yourself.

So, don´t just watch TV and stop ignoring the world! If we put a little effort in it, we´ll find out, that quarantine isn´t as bad as it looks.



What if there's a way to bring people together and help our environment at the same time? Alys Fowler - a journalist and apple lover created an Orchard Project to return greenery to urban areas.

Firstly she planted a few trees and when people got interested she taught them how to take care of trees and plant them. Now there's many orchards thriving in the UK. So how could trees make us happier? It's simple. If a family comes together to plant a few trees and continually returns to fertilize and water the trees, they can talk and spend more quality time together while breathing fresh air and spending time in nature.Secondly scientists proved that spending just ten minutes in natural setting reduces stress, anxiety and depression. The orchards can not only connect people but provide a sort of a garden where people could spend their time without their phones and social media.

Lastly if you take a walk through the orchard you helped to plant, you will feel better while seeing the result of your hard work.

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