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Projekt Erasmus+ IIIK - chemie

09.02.2023 922 Mgr. Bc. Josef Kopřiva

Projekt Erasmus+ IIIK - chemie

On Thursday, February 9th, 2023 the second lesson of chemistry using the CLIL method took place in class 5.G.

Students continued to complete the questions and tasks of the online lesson on the CLILSTORE.eu website. They translated an article about the history of Mendeleev's Periodic Table of the Elements using the Multidict tool and answered some questions regarding it. In the second part of the lesson they practiced description and orientation in the Periodic Table.

The lesson took place as part of the implementation of the Erasmus+ IIIK project.

Mgr. Josef Kopřiva

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08.12.2024 11:56

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